
Frequently Asked Questions

What may deacons do?
It is easier to say what we may not do! Deacons are not allowed to offer mass, hear confessions, or anoint the sick. Most parish deacons focus on working with couples preparing for marriage, teaching catechism, baptizing, and working with various parish ministries. Along with the pastor, deacons use their personal gifts to serve the people of the parish and the community at large. 

Can permanent deacons be married?
Yes, if they're married before being ordained. If they're single and then ordained, they must take a vow of celibacy and promise to remain single.

What happens if your wife dies?

While instances of this have been very rare under the current papal administration, it is possible to petition the Holy See for the permission to remarry. Until then, you're committed to a celibate life. I'm deeply committed to my dear wife's health and wellness.