This Sunday is Gaudete Sunday, which translates: Rejoice! But truth be told, after what happened Friday in the sleepy town of Newton, CT and the massacre of 20 young children there seems to be no reason to rejoice. This same day I received an email from a dear friend. Her little nephew will have to undergo another open heart surgery in order to survive. More reason for not rejoicing. So I gave thought of not posting the homily for this weekend. I mean, really, who feels like rejoicing this weekend…
But then I realized, in a new way, all that has taken place actually brings more meaning to this Sunday’s readings. Each reading contains a crowd who is confused, worried, anxious and searching for the presence of God. They were asking the same questions so many of us are asking this day – Why? and… Where is God in all of this? And while we will never comprehend acts of violence as was witnessed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School, this Sunday we are reminded why there is reason to still rejoice.
So you may wondering
why I posted a picture of so many lit candles, after all there should be
only three Advent candles lit, the third being rose colored?
Three reasons.
This weekend we light the third candle of our Advent
wreath as we mark our time through this liturgical season.
This weekend we light 27 candles representing the
lives that have been lost in Newtown, with the faith of knowing that they bathe
in the light of God’s presence, resting in the arms of our risen Lord.
And this weekend I light one candle as I celebrate
the first birthday of my blog! It was
Guadete Sunday last year that I took to my keyboard and launched the first
posting. So my thanks to all of you who
have supported me in any way...those of you who have enjoyed (or not) my
postings…and all who have helped me teach what I believe!
And on my first anniversary I have added one more
feature to the homily posts – and that is my voice. You will see the extra link below allowing you
to hear a podcast of the homily…in addition to the usual written version.
And so, I am reminded
that I do have great reason to rejoice – for the blessings of God’s presence in
all of you.
Click here for the Sunday
Click here for the homily text
Click here for the podcast
A year? Wow, that passed quickly. Sorta. And now a podcast? Blessed. Looking forward to hearing you preach. Actually, "looking forward" is an understatement.