
Friday, March 8, 2019

Homily: Ash Wednesday

(c) Bro. Mickey McGrath

This past Wednesday Christians came together to be marked on the forehead with ashes, beginning the 40 day journey of Lent. Most have figured out some favorite food or activity to give up, which is all well and good.  But what about looking at the way we pray.  Sure we come to church…we say our prayers at home…but do we pray as Jesus taught us how to pray?

The Gospel tells us that Jesus taught his disciples to stop babbling words, for God already knows what you need;  instead, go to your inner room, close the door and to pray in secret. What is Jesus talking about? What does that look like?  How does that help me? How does that transform me…and others?

Check it all out….

To listen to a podcast of the homily, click here

For the text of the homily, click here

For the readings of the day, click here

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This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. -- John 15:12. In other words, be nice!