
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Homily: Funeral for Patricia Poloney

I think one of hardest lessons we learn is that life and death always coexist. As was witnessed this past Friday when my mother-in-law’s 6th great-grandchild was born and by the end of the day her life in this world ended. Today, family and friends came together as mourned her death and celebrated her life in the Mass of the Resurrection. Privileged to preach at her funeral, listen to how in her final weeks she was able to open our eyes to what the Irish call the ‘thin places’ in life and the spiritual wisdom she left us to live by... 

For the text of the homily, click here

For the podcast of the Gospel and the homily, click here


  1. Once again Jim, many many thanks for your beautiful and powerful and awe-inspiring message. Surely your dear mother-in-law is moved by this one. Loving you all the way she did and the way she does, she put this inspiration into your heart. And the photograph of her waving good-bye to you here - maybe hello to you in the moment that photo was taken - is a gem. I guess as many (non-Irish!) say, "Ciao" which means both hell and good-bye.
    I am thinking of Jesus breathing on His disciples right after His Resurrection, and how Patricia breathed on those around her, bringing the Holy Spirit to those around her. It is clear how much you all miss her. So I guess here is that Thin Place.
    PRAYERS for all of you. The pain is great because the love is great. The sweetness in the tears are the joys that filled the life.
    with love to you all, Gina+

  2. Okay…. Trying again. I wrote a note but it seems to have vanished.,…..

    Jim, many thanks for your powerful and beautiful words. By the life she lived and continues to live now in the "Thin Places", she surely was writing this homily in your heart for years. And the photograph is a gem - waving hello maybe in the picture originally but now it reads as good-bye. Not the Irish but as you know, so many cultures use the word "Ciao" meaning both hello and good-bye.

    After the Resurrection when Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit on His disciples and gave them a renewal, surely your mother-in-law was doing that as she lived out her faith in her family and friends (btw, there is an Irish tradition to always lay a place for the unexpected guest!).

    PRAYERS for you all, especially as you feel the sweetness in your tears - the sweetness of the grace of her presence in your lives. '

    Also, God bless Kai ! What a gift at such a time as this.


This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. -- John 15:12. In other words, be nice!