
Saturday, November 23, 2019

Homily: Christ the King

This evening we bring our Liturgical Year to a close as we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King.  But this feast day is really more about kinship than it is about kingship. Just look at the Gospels we have been given this past year. For Jesus was always eating with wrong people, at the wrong time, on the wrong day with non-Jews, and sinners, and ignoring all the purity codes that his religion required at that time. So if we are to follow Christ the King how do we practice kinship over kingship?  Perhaps actor Mandy Patinkin sharing his favorite line from his 1987 classic movie, The Princess Bride, can shed some light on how we can best be like Christ the King.  Check it out….

To listen to the podcast, click here

For the text of the homily, click here 

For the readings of this Sunday, click here

1 comment:

  1. Jim! Once again, thank you for your thought-filled, challenging message. We are each Bartimaus. And as Jesus asks us a rather open-ended question of "what do you want me to do?" Maybe we need to reflect that same question back to Him, with the attitude of the answer being YES, YOUR WILL TO BE FULFILLED IN ME LORD. So then - "What do You want me to do?"

    As you know, I have a British background. Believe me when I say it, if a Brit is invited into the presence of a Royal, the answer is by far and away YES. It is a huge deal to be invited by a Royal, to be accompanied by a Royal So how much more, when Jesus the KIng of Kings asks us can we respond with an enthusiastic YES! To tell the world (as would happen in Britain) that "GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!?!! The KING invited ME!"

    And of course, the kinship is the ultimate reality of it all. We are called to and need to walk together. Your victory is the victory for all; a loss or would is that for all.


This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. -- John 15:12. In other words, be nice!