
Saturday, September 11, 2021

Homily: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time


This weekend we hear the Gospel passage recounting Jesus’ journey with his disciples on a 25-mile hike to the region of Caesarea Philippi just so he could put forth one question to his disciples, “Who do you say I am?”  And Peter gets it so right…and then gets it so wrong as Jesus calls him Satan. So why the hike to that area? And what is so telling about the dialogue between Jesus and Peter that it just may change the inner voice we currently listen to and therefore greatly alter how we act in the everyday situations of our lives. Check it out…


Click here for a podcast of the homily

Click here for the text of the homily

Click here for the readings of the Sunday

1 comment:

  1. Jim,

    I just heard your homily now. Many,many thanks for this. One thought that occurred to me about the scene at the airport, is that it took a woman's need to bring out the good in those present there. It took a woman's reaction to the thought of a flight cancellation and her reaction to it, that elicited such compassion, community, and connection. Having recently been in airports, I saw many people sitting at gates and doing their utimost to ignore others. Your homilies often address the commonality of our lives and God trying as He does, to enter into that commonality and be found. And He was found at Gate 4 with sugar! And here is that woman, in the comfort and joy, sharing her roots and sweetness. And there were the others, once the barriers were broken, so happily serving each other and enjoying each other. It must have been quite the flight after!


This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. -- John 15:12. In other words, be nice!