
Sunday, May 15, 2022

Homily: 5th Sunday of Easter

In this Sunday’s readings we heard that John saw a “new heaven and a new earth…for the old order has passed away…and He makes all things new.” This sense of ‘making all things’ new appears over twenty times throughout the Bible, with a reminder of our need to let go of our past, to allow room for the new – but what is this “new thing”?  And why is it so important that Jesus commands it?! Check it out and see how Ronald Rolheiser, Desmond Tutu and my grandchildren come at this from different angles to shed light on what we are called to do – which will allow us to transfigure the world!

Click here for a podcast of the homily

Click here for the text of the homily

Click here for the readings of the day

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This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. -- John 15:12. In other words, be nice!