Sunday, February 9, 2025

Homily: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Needless to say, it seems these past few weeks have been a challenge for many.  For example, just days ago our country basically ended the humanitarian aid provided through USAID. And when I hear that, and so many other things, I wonder have we forgotten who we are and as disciples of Christ, what we are supposed to be doing? As baptized Christians, we are priests. We are prophets. We are royalty. The call as baptized disciples is to live these attributes and to live them well. But are we?  Check it out…

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Saturday, November 9, 2024

Homily: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

This weekend’s gospel compares the Scribes, who were focused on money and power versus the widow who gave all that she had because of her faith and trust in God. Actually, if you look through all the Gospels you will find Jesus critical of the rich and supportive of the poor. But it is not so much that money is the root of all evil, rather it is power. For once ego aligns itself with power it can no longer see the truth. It will be preoccupied with what I have and how best to protect it…independent of the Gospel teachings. Check it out and see what I mean…

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Sunday, October 27, 2024

Homily: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today’s gospel is so much more than just the healing of someone with a physical blindness rather it is a story that calls for us to open our eyes to be like Christ and to bring forth God’s life changing message of the liberation for the oppressed and the inclusion of the marginalized. It is a story about each of us recognizing our own spiritual blindness -those times when we are hardheaded, judgmental, close minded, and have our own certitude as to who is in and who is out – who is up and who is down – why I am right and you are wrong…which seems to be the main criteria of this current election cycle. Check it out and see what I mean…

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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Homily: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Synoptic Gospel writes all give us the story of the institution of the Eucharist – the story of Jesus gathering his disciples at table: blessing, breaking and giving them bread and asking them to do the same thing over and over again and…to remember him. But some 20 or so years later, when John takes pen to paper, he doesn’t write anything about the Last Supper, rather he gives us this Bread of Life Discourse which we have listened to these past few weeks. So why did John make this substitution of stories?  After all, what could be more important than Eucharist?  Check it out…

Click here for a podcast of the homily

Click here for the text of the homily

Click here for the readings of the day

Monday, May 27, 2024

Homily: Trinity Sunday 2024

Countless volumes have been written trying to explain the mystery of three persons in one true God, leaving us to resort to metaphors such as the three-leaf clover to try to comprehend the Divinity. Many of us grew up with the quintessential pyramidal Trinity structure of God at the top and Son and Spirit in opposite corners. But what if we looked at this ‘mystery’ from a different perspective? What if we shifted our language of God as a being towards the concept of God as love? What if we focused more on the relationship within the Trinity versus the persons of the Trinity? What if stopped looking at God as a noun…and instead considered God as a verb?  Check it out…

Click here for a podcast of the homily

Click here for the text of the homily

Click here for the readings of the day