Thursday, December 8, 2011

Launching My Blog!

Gaudete! Rejoice!

This Sunday will be the Third Sunday of Advent, commonly called Gaudete Sunday, from the first word of the Opening Prayer of today’s mass: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice!”

We're now halfway through the Advent Season – a time of waiting and preparation to celebrate birth of Jesus. As the third (rose) candle of the Advent wreath is lit, you might notice that your priest and deacon are also wearing rose-colored rose vestments. And no, it is not pink…it's rose!

What better time of the liturgical year for me to rejoice (I think!) as I launch my blog, Teach What You Believe. These are the words I heard as I held the Book of Gospels during my ordination as a permanent deacon in the Diocese of Trenton.

Receive the Gospel of Christ,
whose herald you have become.
Believe what you read,
teach what you believe,
and practice what you teach.

So, indeed, Gaudete…Rejoice!

My hope is that this blog is different from others you read. I'm planning to share instances where the sacred and secular meet and examples of how the gospel is working in daily life. At times I'll provide the chuckle we all need.

If you've been connected to me on Facebook or are on my Homily Distribution List, I hope you'll to subscribe to get deacon-related content and conversation here. You'll find tools for doing so on the left sidebar. I look forward to hearing from you as we continue our journey of faith.


Meredith Gould said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! It's about time!! I'm glad you're joining the ranks of deacons who are already blogging.

Not enough is known and certainly much more appreciation is due to our deacons. Truly some of the most significant pastoral care I've received has come via deacons.

I believe we're about to see some interesting developments (good and bad) in/around the deaconate and look forward to your take on them.

A Jesuit's Jottings said...

Decaons Rule, especially those who have the Liturgy of the Hours on their Ipads! Peace, Rick Malloy, S.J.

Nancy said...

And our worlds collide yet again! So glad to meet up with you here in the virtual world. P&L, N

Fran said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I look forward to what I will find here. Prayers for you always!

Blue Eyed Ennis said...

Meredith recommended you, so that's good enough for me.
Best wishes for your "sacred and secular" blog and I look forward to reading more.

Joelle said...

Hurray! We miss you much (and are counting down the days 'til you come), but this helps us feel a bit closer. When's the next post?